Thursday, August 16, 2012


The happiest place on earth, in my head. St. Andrew's is one of my top 2 favorite places in all of Scotland (the first is Abbotsford, Sir Walter Scott's home that we didn't get to visit this time)
gardens at Abbotsford...I digress.

St. Andrew's is at least a 2 hour drive, so this gave me some time to nap. I put some mellow music on my iPod and wedged myself into the coach bus seat to try and sleep. I listened to the Coldplay X&Y album, again...lights will guide you home and ignite your bones and I will try to fix you. Coldplay is my guilty pleasure music. They have some sort of stigma attached to them but I think they're reputable. I also played a compilation album called Dark Was The Night . It has a lot of different alternative artists and groups on it, a lot of different sounds on one album. 

Before we made it to the golf course we went through the Melrose Abbey. What is left of the cathedral still stands with the cemetery around it. After walking through the Abbey, we made our way down to the castle ruins that overlook the sea. This time we were able to climb down to the mines that were dug by the attackers/counter attackers of the castle. This was not open last time we visited the castle so we ventured down to check it out, very cramped, very damp, but still pretty cool. People were smaller back then, so it might have been easier for me to maneuver through the mine than it was for Kerry.

On our way to the golf course, we passed a Community Council Bandstand playing in the park.

St. Andrew's was fantastic, as usual. I'm sure a picture will surface on facebook soon of me attempting to jump the canal by the 18th whole. I do not recommend this to others, almost didn't make it. 

Made our way down to the beach real quick so we could pick up some sea shells...some of us got too adventurous. 

On our way home from St. Andrew's we stopped in Queensferry to see the bridges and walk through the town quickly. This image captures Kerry eating the Queensferry bridge. I also purchased a picture of the Rolling Stones standing in front of this bridge just across the street from the restaurant the coach was in front of. 

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